- All-time favorite bands/artists: I Prevail, Bring Me The Horizon, Papa Roach, Taylor Momsen, In This Moment, BORNS, Lights, and Good Charlotte
- First concert? Vans Warped Tour – Ann Arbor
- First album you ever purchased? Boys Like Girls debut album Boys Like Girls
- What show or streaming series is a MUST watch? You on Netflix
- What movie could you never get sick of watching? Stepbrothers
- Greatest sports movie of all-time? A League of Their Own
- Favorite sports mascot? Scrotie The Nads from Rhode Island School Of Design
- Describe your first car? Pearl white 2000 Cadillac DeVille AKA \”The Pimpmobile\”
- What toppings are on your ideal pizza? Cheese, cheese and more cheese
- Whose poster was on your bedroom wall growing up? Eminem