- All-time favorite bands/artists: Rage Against the Machine, Deftones, Tool, System of a Down, Slipknot, Gojira, Trivium, Bring Me The Horizon, Lamb of God, Avenged Sevenfold, Falling in Reverse, Soundgarden, Audioslave, KoRn
- First concert? NKOTB. I was like 12. Shut up.
- First album you ever purchased? Evil Empire by Rage Against the Machine.
- What show or streaming series is a MUST watch? Six Feet Under, Rescue Me, Sons of Anarchy, Dexter (don\’t talk to me about that ending), The Wire, Lost, Oz, True Detective
- Greatest sports movie of all-time? Major League. Don\’t @ me.
- What movie(s) could you never get sick of watching? Jaws, Slap Shot, Tommy Boy, Gladiator, The Naked Gun movies
- Describe your first car? 1989 White Chevrolet Beretta. Got that old lady up to 110 mph once. Do not recommend.
- What topic would you crush at trivia night? Rock and metal bands/songs of the 90s and early 2000s. I am the master.
- Best potato chip flavor? Old Dutch Dill Pickle.