WARNE: Trying to Find a Fit For Dozier

WARNE: Trying to Find a Fit For Dozier

Written By Brandon Warne (ColdOmaha.com)
Photo Credit: Brian Curski

The Minnesota Twins don’t have to trade Brian Dozier. If there’s any takeaway from the rumor mill that is churning fast and furious this time of year, that should be it. There’s no guarantee the Twins will move their second baseman, and the report from the St. Paul Pioneer Press’ Mike Berardino suggests the club would be more than happy to keep him.

There are myriad reasons for a team to maintain this publicly. In fact, it could mean quite the opposite in terms of the chances of a team moving a player. Reiterating out loud that you place a high value on a player can easily be a leverage ploy, telling teams they’ll need to shoot for the stars to land one of yours, so to speak. It’s just like any negotiation tactic, aim high, counter low and settle in the middle.