Loud & Local: June 14, 2020

Loud & Local: June 14, 2020

Exclusively featuring local artists and bands, Loud & Local can be heard every Sunday night at 9pm only on 93X and 93X.com.

Want your band’s music to be heard on Loud & Local? Fill out the band submission form and we’ll get in touch with you if/when your music is selected to be played on an upcoming episode.

Follow 93X Loud & Local’s playlist on Spotify!

SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2020

Near an Open Flame / \”Trazodone\”

Endless Reign / \”You\’re Right to Die\”

Inviction / \”Only in the Darkness\”

The Dead Century / \”Realign\”

Floodwater Angel / \”Daughter\”

Vermillion Heights / \”Just for the Thrill\”

Gabriel and the Apocalypse / \”Beds Are Burning\”

Parker\’s Picnic / \”I Never Knew\”

Consider Me Phil / \”Monsterous\”

Boiling Point / \”Stay With Me\”