Written By Arif Hasan (ColdOmaha.com)
Photo Credit: Luke Inman
The first day of training camp doesn’t ever give you the kind of information that ends up being useful throughout the season. The reps there are just bits and scraps that need to be thrown on top of a pile of other bits and scraps from other practices and preseason games to give us a better picture of how players have improved or regressed in the offseason.
So, consider the following as pieces of a very large puzzle—a puzzle whose whole picture will remain unclear throughout the preseason but whose shape should hopefully be discernible by the end.
The first day of camp, unusually, was a bigger day for the offense than the defense. Perhaps when contact is allowed and pads come on, things will change, but for now, it seems like the aerial passing attack took prevalence over anything else we saw today.
Click here for Arif’s full report, and check out the video with Arif and Luke Inman below.